Some Humorous Running Anecdotes to keep us Smiling

You have to forget your last marathon before you try another. Your mind can't know what's coming.
Frank Shorter

It hurts up to a point and then it doesn't get any worse.
Ann Trason

I believe that the Good Lord gave us a finite number of heartbeats and I'm damned if I'm going to use up mine running up and down a street.
Neil Armstrong

Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?
Peter Maher

And this one goes out to our two biggest supporters Jimi and Carey:

We can't all be heroes because someone has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.
Will Rogers

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Yesterday: Week 3 Training Session 9

Yesterday's training was a 30min run - sounds easy enough! For some reason neither of us were up for it yesterday! I was up at 5.45am and I faffed around until 7am before getting on with the run! I was feeling rather lazy! But we must stick to the programme :) So in I went and it was excellent. That's the thing - nothing beats the feeling afterwards :) So I just need to remember the after feeling when I am having my lazy days.

We have 2 days of rest from running, so I will fill it with some swimming and cross training.

Talk later

Monday, January 25, 2010

Go Brucey and Alice!!!!

A quick cheer for the girls
with diamonds and pearls
as they take on Lewa
not asking for any favours!

Just our love and support
to keep them going when they're bored
or tired or sad
so let's keep them glad!

Go Brucey and Alice, go, go, go
not to slow
not too fast
take care of your hearts
and don't worry if you, er, fart!!!

Thank you to Julia Doig and Anne-Marie Burugu

Anne-Marie has offered her farm in Limuru for us to do some high altitude training - Asante Sana :)

Julia has also offered to help us map out some routes in Tigoni - again excellent high altititude running - and she will arrange water stops for the longer runs.

This will be invaluable training for us - so thank you both sooo much.

Week 3: Session 8 of our Training Programme

Today was a 25min run - so I did a hill run!! Need to do lots of Hill training as Lewa is a very hilly marathon - long long never ending hills!! I struggle with hills so need to work on this...A LOT!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week 2: Session 7 of our Training Programme

Today was a 25min run - chose a very hilly route! Went well and such a great feeling at the end - now we can enjoy the rest of our Sunday :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 2: Session 6 of our Training Programme

Todays session was great and I had a quick swim after - so feeling hugely energised and pleased with myself.
Whenever I think of the actual day I have a small panic attack - what have we got ourselves in to??? But need to take it 1 day and 1 training session at a time!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rest Day

Today is a rest day! Which is a good thing as I am really sore from my run yesterday - I did a slow hill run! Obviously I need to do more hill work!!

Playing golf this afternoon, so a nice long walk will stretch me out :)

Talk later.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Week 2: Session 5 of our Training Programme

Not a good day for me :( Feeling lousy, so didn't do my session this morning as planned!!!
Will do it this evening though without fail :) It is the last 15min session for a while - from now on it is all 25min plus! Gulp!

Talk later.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Running for Charity

We are both hoping to get sponsorship for our run, to raise money for 2 causes very close to our hearts.
We will let you know more about this shortly.

Day of rest :)

Today is a rest day :)

And we begin week 2 tomorrow. 1 week down - 25 to go!!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

WEEK 1: Session 4 of our Training Programme

We are off to do our first road run!!! About to give our new Garmin Forerunner it's first outing :)
Back in 20 minutes...

We did it - brilliant :) The watch was amazing and beeped us at every kilometer - we love it :)
We are trying to find away to share the routes we are doing from the garmin website - I will work it out so you can see where we run each time and a few other statistics from our runs.

Until now, we have been doing our training in the gym and on a treadmill, so it was great to do a road run today.

Talk soon.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Week 1: Session 3 of our Training Programme

Today we had to do a 20 minute run at an easy pace!

It went well and I felt ok, although the time ticked by very slowly - what's it going to be like when we need to do a 200 minute run!!!

Tomorrow is a rest day :)